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Party In Motion..

November 28, 2009

Event : After Exam’s Party

Venue : Where else but Metrocity

I think I’m getting old for this.. After an hour in da club, I started to feel tired and want to leave.. Aging sign.. Sigh 😦



November 24, 2009

it’s easier to say that you’re fine instead of having to explain all the reasons why you’re not..

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.


Tourist Acts

November 23, 2009

Ex-housemate, Vivien is in town for a 9 days holidays.. I’m pretty much occupied everyday being her driver, secretary, personal assistant, babysitter and more.. Havta make sure she enjoys every single moment back in perth. Today, we had a shopping trip in the city. Took public transport to the city and I realized it’s been a long while since I’ve last taken a bus. We acted like tourists, snapping photos here and there. Bet people around us thought we were tourists πŸ™‚

At the bus stop waiting.. weather was terribly hot today..wished I brought my mini fan along πŸ™‚

Tourist Acts started.. Taking photos with street name, building and etc…

CheahYen.. We saw this old church on the way to the duty free shop and found a corner for nice photography effect..

Evan.. One thing I like being in foreign country is that they are open-minded and doesn’t give much attention to others. Imagine doing this in Malaysia, bet people around ya starting to gossip, finger-pointing and blah blah blah..

Myself… Was sweating already at that time due to the high temperature..

Vivien and Evan..

After those photos snapping and some shopping, we went for cheap lunch as everyone wanna save up more for shopping.. Cheap lunch for today = Hungry Jacks. It’s my second time having HJ. I had this Angry Angus burger and it’s finger licking good! Must try!!

The dramatic two..

Smartphones.. Oh yea, forgot to tell this.. I finally got my hands on Blackberry Bold.. Ohh, I love it.. Both me and Evan got it over the weekend.. I’m so happy that I can go online, FB and email and blog anytime I want now..The second one from the left is mine πŸ™‚

Sarah joined us after her work training..

The blondes..

Another touristy photos..

We saw this huge Christmas tree in the middle of Forest Chase.. Cant wait for Christmas.. Always love all the Christmas decorations πŸ™‚

Hahaha, we took photo almost everywhere we went to..

CY acting emo as we waited for the yellow cat… Went for shopping at Harbour Town for another 2 hours..

We were weary after all the walking, talking and shopping.. since 10am till 4pm..Sore legs, tan skin and sorethroatΒ  all at the same time.. Guess I won’t go for long-hours shopping anytime soon.. πŸ™‚


Heart Attack

November 23, 2009

Someone gave me a heart attack this morning!!

Mr.Donkey and my brother came over to my place this morning, and as I was rushing to go out, so I pass my house key to my housemate, Evan to open the door for them. Evan left the key at the door knob after she opened the door. After I got myself ready and about time to leave, I went out to the living room expecting my key should be around there. But I couldn’t find it. So I asked my housemates if they see it. All of them said no. I started to feel panic. Myself and housemates searched high and low, basically almost every corner of the house yet we couldn’t find the keys. I got really scaredΒ  as I do not have any spare keys myself. Then I started calling and texting Mr.Donkey and my brother to ask them about it. Both of them said they din’t see it or it’s not with them. I got even panicked!! Where on earth could my keys be?? It can only be in the house. We searched the house for another round again and again failed to find it. Argghhhhhh..I was going crazy..At that very second, Mr.Donkey called and this is what he said.

“Jan, you don’t need to look for the keys’s with me….”

Bomb!!!! What??? Urggghhh..Myself and evan almost got heart attack from the incident!!

Mr.Donkey, your birthday is coming real soon and you’ll definitely gonna get it from me!!! That’s your birthday present from me.. *Evil grinssss*


More is coming..

November 21, 2009

Have been absent from the blogsphere for a while now..

Busy, busy and busynesss..

Exams are over but Im too busy enjoying my summer holidays… Hence the lack of updates..

I have heaps of backdated posts to update, and i want to update it so that I can always get to look back in da future..

Soon, real soon you’ll see..

But now, time to rest.. Gotta wake up at 6am.. Told ya Im busy πŸ˜›



November 20, 2009

This is my first time attending a halloween party and also my first time dressing up for a costume party. I never realized that Halloween is such an important festival for aussie. Another excuse to party/have fun i think. The Halloween party is at Michael’s place. Himself, Rhi & Eugene spent quite some time thinking of the deco, food and their costumes. It was amazing I would say. Some of the things that they’ve done never crossed my mind before. I never knew they would put all out for Halloween. The party was on saturday night. They started the decoration and preparation on friday night and they even woke up early on saturday morning to get the place well decorated. Since i was in the midst of assignments, I was too lazy to think about what to dress up as even thou Mic said it must be something scary.Β  So I ended up with the simplest costume, vampire! which only required me to get a vampire cape, a black dress, black heels and smoky eyes make up. winks*

The hallway.. the blurry effect comes from the smoke machine.. and the tripod is for the recorder, so they could record everyone walking down the hallway..

There’s heaps of spiders and their webs around the house..

Another corner of the house..See the spider webs?? Took them so long to put it up..

Something you wouldn’t miss during Halloween – Pumpkin!! Took Eugene a few hours to carve it..

We have heaps of food that night and couldn’t finish it.. Each dish has their scary title..

Nat, Rhi & Maria getting the food ready.. Love Maria’s makeup..Looks so real!!

And this!! Is the scariest corner of the house. If you watch Dexter, you will definitely recognize this. For those who don’t know, this is the scene where Dexter, the main character of the series kills people.

The toolss..

and the victim..

Another Dexter scene..

A dish that I prepared.. Simple but tasty! πŸ™‚

The bloody and the disgusting-look drinks..

Check out the ice cube!! It’s finger shape.. They used a glove to make it.. Brilliant idea!!

Spot the spider?? It scared the hell out of people..

No joke.. It is made of pigs blood… Suprisingly it taste really good..

Another finger dish..

I like this!!! So cuteee…

Scarryyy eyeballs..

So creative!! Rhi’s mum, Letty prepared this..


with Harry the KingKong..

Myself & Eugene

Vampire and the bride..

The Cheng’s

The guys..

Not much photo was taken that night. I was sick so half of the time i was sleeping in the room πŸ˜› Anyway, i think everyone had fun that night and I had a wonderful first time celebrating Halloween πŸ™‚
